Should Christians Care About What Has Happened to Discourse on Sexual Identity?

In this video, Jordan Peterson, a Canadian clinical psychologist and a professor of psychology at the University of Toronto with a particular interest in the psychology of religious and ideological belief and the assessment and improvement of personality and performance takes on gender identity advocates.

Peterson attempts to frame his argument within 15 minutes. He actually does an excellent job in the event you know some of the terms he used. For most observers unfamiliar with the Post Modern movement, you need to also understand the modernist movement specifically in the Catholic Church.

If you research the terms, you will find that among elitists, a number of writers coined terms know only to them. Yet, among universities you will find these terms bandied about in conversations as if the 99.9% of humanity should know what they mean.

We all face problems with these movement since they have influenced governments, who in turn rule our lives. In this clip, Peterson debunks social models supposed to make life better.